Thursday, October 11, 2007

What is the Ultimate Contest Prize?

The Contest Beat is having its own contest and you have the chance to win $50 that will go straight to your PayPal account or as an Amazon gift certificate. All you need to do is come up with the best idea on what will be a good contest prize. Don't scream "a million dollars!" because the prize has to be one that is less than $100. :-)

I decided to join the contest so here's my take on what would be a good prize:

I think no one is miserable to get cash as a prize. I know it's kind of boring but it is the most flexible of all gifts and you are actually giving the winner the freedom to choose what he/she wants instead of splitting your head on thinking what to give. It would be devastating to give someone an Amazon gift certificate when it takes ages for Amazon to deliver to his/her country right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's very true. It is the best prize- cash! But I don't know if that will win ... people always seem to think stuff is good. But cash is the best!