Saturday, December 22, 2007

Win $100 in How2Blogger's Super Sexy Holiday 'How To' Contest

This article is part of How2Blogger's Super Sexy Holiday 'How To' Contest which you can see at How2Blogger's ‘How To’ site.


1. Clean out and categorize bookmarks. Sites that you haven't visited for a month means it is not important anymore.

2. Go to Control Panel and uninstall programs that are not being used. Why deleting them is good even if there’s still plenty of space on the drive? Because it makes things like Scandisk and Defrag run faster and more effective.

3. Cleanup the office desk. You'll never know what you might find in the dark corners. Diassemble the ball of cable behind the desk. Untangling a cable ball can induce a state of Zen and it’s rewarding when the mouse reaches as far as it is supposed to.

4. Unplug the PC and clean-out the dust. I have discovered that my fan has built up a rabbit hutch to keep all the dust bunnies fuzzy enough to dwell. Never forget to clean the keyboard, too.

5. Talk to other people in the same room.

6. Look around and memorize the faces of your colleagues around. They all look the same, especially when you are looking at your system all the time and just see them in the sidelines. Try to recall their full names and associate with the face. Include their middle names, it is a good brain exercise!

7. Write blog posts using a blog client like BlogDesk or just the Notepad. Not being connected may force anyone to write about something different, like ranting or doing list on things to do when you have no internet connection.

8. Write down logins and passwords for all sites, blogs, email accounts, affiliate programs, webhost - - all information about your online life in a convenient but secure note.

9. Backup all important files and organize photos. Reminiscing on each memorable photo is a good way to while away the time.

10. Grab a notebook and a pen and write the meal plan for the week. This is a task you can also do even without internet connection with notepad or Word but sometimes, it is also good to check on how bad your handwriting got (after all those typing-only sessions).

11. If still bored, go through the temporary internet files and pretend the internet is still working!

12. Go out, see the sun, look up to appreciate the nice weather and pray that internet connection be back real SOON.

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